1. If you could have plastic surgery, would you? If so, what would you get done?
Yes I would have plastic surgery (in a heartbeat) - I have always wanted breast implants... my boobs are bigger than they ever before, but the fact that they hang down to my belly button is not exactly where I would like them to be! Now in addition to the breast implants I would also go for a tummy tuck - thanks to 2 pregnancies and eating like I have the metabolism of a 7 year old boy.
2. What laws have you broken?
In the past I have (but no longer admit to doing) speeding, texting while driving, running red lights, pretending to pay tolls on the Garden State Parkway (now that I have EZPass this is no longer an issue), buying alcohol for minors, underage drinking... all the usual stupid stuff people
3. What is your quirkiest habit?
When in the shower I have to wash in order from head to toe - if I wash out of order I can't remember what I did and/or did not wash, and therefore end up either re-washing everything or having to wash (say my face) at the sink after I get out. Oh yeah and I have to pee right before I get in the shower (even if I just went 5 minutes earlier) - otherwise I will inevitably have to go while I am in the shower... and that means getting out of shower (do not think for a minute I would actually pee in the shower - 1. that is gross and 2. I have major stage fright when it comes to that).
4. If you only had 3 songs to listen to for the rest of your life what would they be?
This one is hard because I have a new favorite song almost every week! I guess I would have to go with at least one Bruce Springsteen song, one Bon Jovi ( I am from NJ for goodness sake) and maybe Neil Diamond or Van Morrison or the Bee Gees… ugh how to choose only 3! (I know you are thinking – come on just list any 3 stupid songs and get on with it all ready... ok calm down here they are…)
- Waitin on a Sunny Day by Bruce Springsteen
- Who Says You Can’t Go Home by Bon Jovi
- These are the Days by Van Morrison... wedding song of my sister and her husband (love you guys!)
ADG is not going to be thrilled when (or if) he finds out I answered this question... let's just say probably less often than ADG would like but more frequently than in the not so distant past. Is that enough of an answer?... it will have to do!