I have been pleasantly surprised with the Lean Cuisine Market Creations line and my absolute favorite is the Chicken Pot Stickers.
This meal is delicious and it really is a meal! I mean you do not even need a salad to make you feel full - you get 5 or 6 pot stickers and lots of yummy veggies in a delicious "sweet chili ginger soy sauce". It nukes up in 5 minutes in the microwave! If you are a weight watchers member this meal has 7 point (that is the pp+ points value). Sometimes I get a little fancy and
Today I tried the Asian Style Pot Stickers from the Simple Favorites collection:
This one was not nearly as good as the other one - the pot stickers themselves tasted the same, but that was the only good thing I could say about this. The portion was small, the rice was so-so and the sauce was just OK. The 2 main negatives on this item (I can't call it a meal - I was still hungry after eating it) was 1. it took 8 minutes in the microwave! Seriously 8 minutes - that is forever in my book! and 2. it has the same points plus value (7) as the other meal! It was half the size for crying out loud!
When attempting to eat on the healthy side my main objective is to get the most out of every meal - I need delicious-ness (not sure if that is an actual word - but you know exactly what I mean) and a strong return on my health initiative investment.
Other things I am enjoying lately -
Wholly Guacamole 100 Calorie snack packs - portion control and absolute delicious-ness (there is that word again) all in one!

Laughing Cow Cheese wedges - I like all the flavors but this on is great in a turkey quesadillas!
Kellogg's Fiber Plus bars - not sure if they will have similar results to the FiberOne bar issue I wrote about earlier but these are equally delicious... especially this flavor:
It basically says - screw you Girl Scouts and your Samoas (or for the more politically correct - Carmel deLites) cookies! This has all the same flavors and fiber too! I am hoping that maybe by posting pictures of these items and saying how much I like them that some one from the marketing department of the companies that produce these products will send me a free supply... I know that not that many people read this blog, but a girl can dream!
I love all your product reviews! Glad to hear your making your weight loss an adventure! Go you!