Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday Minute

(1) Do you use shaving cream when you shave?
(2) Name 2 things you consider yourself to be very bad at.
(3) What's your favorite song?
(4) If somebody asked you to sum yourself up in three words, what would they be?
(5) Out of the following three, which do you hate most: pineapples, cantaloupe, or strawberries?


(1) I do not use shaving cream when I shave - I use the Schick Intuition Plus - it has the shaving gel surrounding the razor!  I like because I am lazy and do not like to take the time to lather up before I start to shave my legs.  In a pinch (if my schick razor is on its last legs and the gel is almost gone) I will use hair conditioner.

(2) I am not good at lots of things... but I am only suppose to list 2...
a. I am bad at maintaining a schedule/plan if depends solely on me - let me explain.  I am greater talker, planner, motivator of others... but when it comes to me I am basically your classic slacker.  I have grand plans of starting things like diets, exercise programs, crafts, fabulously thoughtful gifts that take a long time to create/prepare... yet they are either short lived or dead before they actually get started.   
b. Parallel Parking - I am absolutely terrible at parallel parking!  I can only do it in a small car on the left side of the street - meaning I have to be on a one way street where you can park on both sides of the street.  I will drive around and around and even forgo the errand if I can not find head on parking.

(3) This is hard because I have lots of favorite songs (probably as many as the number of things I am bad at) - today I will say my favorite song is Rosalita by Bruce Springsteen.

(4) Three words - funny, loving, resourceful

(5) I actually like all three, but cantaloupe is my least favorite.

So in honor of question number 2(a) I have decided to try to start 2 new habits today... 1. I would like to wake up earlier and be ready before the kids wake up and 2. eat healthier.  So far both I have accomplished both today - well I did not get up as early as I had planned to, but it was considerably early than usual (I'll take it) and I brought my own breakfast, lunch and snacks with me to work today.  We will see how long I can make this last.

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