Friday, September 23, 2011

Angel of Darkness - WTF!

I totally feel like I am behind in getting ready for Halloween this year.  Butterball has settled on being a "pumpkin head" (or just a pumpkin, because pumpkins do not have bodies) this year - I have tried numerous times to persuade him to choose something else... I was only finding pumpkin costumes worn by girls!  I tried to push suggest being a cowboy, rock star, football player, fireman, monster, Twist from the Fresh Beat Band... but he held strong and demanded a pumpkin head costume.  So yesterday I finally ordered him a "puffy pumpkin" costume... and I was happy that in the 3rd image of the costume showed a boy wearing it... would have preferred it had been the 1st picture, but at least they showed it on a boy. 

Princess has requested an Angel costume... which I recently figured out has been her choice because she is scheming to have me purchase white high heel shoes to wear with the costume...not real high heels but those white (or ivory) dress shoes sold at Payless around Easter time with a 1 inch block heel... I do not but them at Easter, and I am not planning to buy them for Halloween either.  I asked her this morning which was more important to her - a fancy Angel dress or the white shoes, because I was not going to be buying both.  She thought about it for a while and (thankfully) choose the dress.  I am having a difficult time finding an Angel costume that:
  1. is not hideous
  2. is not slutty - seriously Halloween has become too provocative!
  3. does not cost more than $25... I am fairly certain my mother did not spend much money (if any) on my costumes growing up!
I did find one Angel costume that met all of my requirements, but it is actually a "Christmas costume" (meant for Christmas pagents I guess) and is currently on "pre-order" whatever that means.  I am keeping my eye on that one while searching for something else that will fit the bill.

Oh, did I mention that I overheard Princess tell Butterball that she is going to be an Angel for Halloween, but that she really wants to be an Angel of Darkness... *sigh* but Mommy won't let me *sigh*.  She is 5 (almost 6) years old, the fact that she even knows the term Angel of Darkness is weird and somewhat disturbing... damn you Wizard of Waverly Place!

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